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Phase 2 – Building “Targets,” “Skillpower,” and “Energy”


We hear all sorts of contradictory theories and plans for weight management and weight loss. In this phase, we help you understand the real facts – those that are well-accepted and evidence-based, and we build together a core set of knowledge, skills, perspective, and strategies for long-term weight and health management.

You will be able to build a framework that benefits you for the rest of your life.  We do this via weekly one-on-one sessions, small-group educational classes and workshops, support groups, and skill-building groups.

Together, we aim to build your “targets,” “skillpower,” and long-term management strategies:

  • Knowledge, or “targets”: This is the “what.”  It’s what scientists have proven effective for managing weight and promoting health. And it goes way beyond counting calories or carbs. We teach you about all the many “tools” that can help with weight management, and help you figure out which ones are best for you.
  • Skills, or “skill-power”: This is the “how.”  We all know that just knowing what to do isn’t enough, especially in our current society [link TED] – if it were enough, then none of us would have weight problems. We help you build the key skills and strategies that will make it easier to do what you aim to do.
  • “Sustaining energy: This is how to keep doing it over the long-term. Many weight programs work initially because we are able to devote all our energy and focus to losing weight.  But what happens next?! We help you learn how to navigate and balance your focus, energy, and motivations so that you can manage your weight and health over the long-term, even when you really don’t feel like it.


During this phase, some people want to start to lose weight; others just start with building a platform. There’s no right answer – we help you move forward in a way that works best for you.

Learn about Phase 3 – Ongoing support and management

Come meet us and learn more about what we do via a FREE information session.

Or, make your first appointment.