Dr. Kelly Theim is a psychologist at NCWW who patients may initially meet during the behavioral psychology assessment or during the Stress and Coping group on Saturdays. Dr. Theim is passionate about helping you achieve your health and wellness goals. She approaches behavior change in a collaborative manner using a variety of tools, rather than a “one-size-fits-all” approach.
Kelly enjoys working with all of our patients and describes that “truly one of the best things about working at NCWW is meeting so many new patients in assessments and groups! It is so wonderful to see our patients share their stories and help each other, especially in groups. Whether it be sharing tips for how they handled tough situations or simply just offering support to one another each week.”
From Kelly’s perspective, “Anyone who has struggled with weight knows that it can affect every part of your life. I understand how incredibly difficult lifelong weight management is; I feel grateful to be part of a team that helps individuals find support and guidance to help them with the ups and downs of managing their weight and wellness. I consider myself lucky that I am able to help people live better lives, via health and wellness goals, both physical and emotional.”
Read more about Kelly here.
If you would like to schedule your next appointment with Dr. Kelly Theim, please call us at 202-223-3077.