During 2012, our team wrote journal articles, chapters in textbooks, and more:
Dr. Robyn Osborn
- Published scientific articles on disordered eating and loss of control eating
- Co-authored chapters on behavior change in an upcoming graduate school textbook
- Co-authored chapters on binge eating in a textbook for clinicians
- Peer-reviewed the STOP Obesity Alliance and Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s Weigh In guide
Dr. Scott Kahan
- Completed a textbook on public health and health behavior change, being published by Johns Hopkins University Press
- Published research articles on weight loss and medication use, weight loss and diabetes, nutrition interventions for heart disease, and others
- Served as the scientific peer reviewer for the annual F as in Fat publication by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Trust for America’s Health
- Wrote numerous opinion articles and blogs like the Huffington Post column
Nicole Brown
- Participated in a national, multi-center research study on obesity medications.