Why a workshop for men? Men are every bit as affected by emotional eating – but often don’t have a ready opportunity to address it. And in some instances the approach for managing emotional eating in men is different than for women.
Emotional eating is one of the largest stumbling blocks to attaining a sustainable, long-term weight management path. That’s because research suggests that emotional states affect decisions to eat and decisions to eat specific foods. Because this “emotional eating” helps manage uncomfortable emotional states, it is often fiercely driven and among the most difficult behaviors to control.
What will you learn?
We’ll discuss
- The intricacies of emotional eating and a systematic approach to managing these common and important impulses
- The functions and rationale of emotional eating
- The types and categories of emotional eating and how they correspond to you
- How to identify and understand your specific emotional eating patterns
- How to develop a systematic approach to managing and curbing your emotional eating tendencies.
We’ll also distribute weekly readings and worksheets.
Who should attend?
Men who want to learn more about the connections between emotions and food-related behaviors
This session is led by:
Dr. Bill Picon
When is it held?
Thursday evenings during March, from 6:30-8:00 pm in March
Three ways to register
- Register at the front desk in person
- Call (202) 223-3077
- Register by email